Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Blackeye Galaxy, M 64


The Blackeye Galaxy - Messier 64

The Black Eye Galaxy (M64, or NGC 4826) is a relatively isolated spiral galaxy 17 million light-years away in the mildly northern constellation of Coma Berenices. 

A dark band of absorbing dust partially in front of its bright nucleus gave rise to its nicknames of the "Black Eye", "Evil Eye", or "Sleeping Beauty" galaxy.

Scope - Meade 8" LX200GPS and mount with a focal reducer
Camera - Canon T3i (modded)
10 images at ISO 3200 for 360 seconds each (6 minutes) for a combined time of 1 hour.
Stacked in Affinity Photo and post processed in Luminar 2018
Final image cropped in about 50%.

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