Thursday, April 21, 2022

I Spy a Supernova!


Sometimes in galaxy season one can catch a supernova in a galaxy far, far away! Here is a new supernova between M60 (the larger galaxy/fuzzball) and the galaxy NGC 4647 (the smaller fuzzball) and the supernova is the star between the two galaxies but closer to the smaller galaxy. 

Details: Captured with a Celestron 6 inch f/10 SCT on a AVX mount with a Canon t3i DSLR body with a L-Pro filter. This is the resulting stack of 10 images using Affinity Photo, each image was 7 minutes long at iso 6400 for a total of 70 minutes of exposure. Cropped to 1/4 of the original frame size.

Supernova data sheet:

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