Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Omega Centauri Globular Star Cluster

I headed out last night about 10 pm last night and looked due south above the horizon.
I was able to see this beauty of the spring sky with ordinary binoculars: 
                    Omega Centauri globular star cluster!  

It appeared to be just a fuzzy patch of light but this is what it looks like
with one of my smaller telescopes (80mm f/6 480mm scope and Canon T3i camera body)
It is a stack of 30 - 5 second images at iso 3200.
Stacked in Affinity Photo and post processed with Luminar 2018.

FYI:  it's apparent size through a binocular is LARGER than the apparent size of the Moon through the same binocular... just much dimmer!

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