Thursday, May 9, 2024

Round Two on Huge Sunspot Group 3664 and 3668

 Plugging the monochrome camera into a faster USB port and doing some manual "dithering" while creating the video seemed to really improve the quality of my capture of 3664 and 3668:

Data of Capture:
Meade 8" SCT (LX200GPS) at prime focus
Baader white light filter
Point Grey Grasshopper monochrome 5mp camera
Captured with Sharpcap
Best 5% of 2000 frames at about 80/fps
Post-process in AutoStakkert!3, Luminar 2018 and Mac Preview

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More Solar Imaging... night imaging to come!

  Taken with a monochrome 5 megapixel camera on an 8" SCT Meade LX200GPS with a Baader solar filter and a 2X Barlow len.s Of these two ...