Friday, March 17, 2023

Even when the face of the Sun in normal light is boring...

 ...that doesn't mean nothing awesome isn't happening!

Here's a shot I took using a PST (Personal Solar Telescope) that is designed to show the Ha portion of the spectrum of light!

Here is what the GEOS-16 NASA satellite captured:

My camera's orientation is different and the telescope is certainly less expensive 
that the NASA satellite and camera, for sure, but it was nice to give it a try!

Here is what the Sun looked like at the same time in normal "white" light 
(minus the numbers used to identify solar sunspots):

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More Solar Imaging... night imaging to come!

  Taken with a monochrome 5 megapixel camera on an 8" SCT Meade LX200GPS with a Baader solar filter and a 2X Barlow len.s Of these two ...