Monday, December 18, 2023

The Fossil Footprint Nebula - NGC 1491



NGC 1491 is an emission type bright nebula located about 9,800 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Perseus.

The nebula gets its deep red coloration due to many massive stars embedded within NGC 1491 which is producing large amounts of ultraviolet radiation and ionizing the hydrogen gas that makes up the nebula.

It was discovered by William Herschel in 1790 and an early drawing looked like a dinosaur footprint, hence the name.

This nebula is rather small compared to most all the nebula I have imaged in the past.

There is more nebulosity to be had (you can barely see it beyond the obvious) in the surrounding area.

I will be adding more imaging time to this interesting object to bring of that out.

Date taken: December 17, 2023

Time: 7:20 pm to 9:45 pm

Weather: Fairly clear but under a 42% illuminated Moon

Scope: RC 6"

Camera: Canon T3i modded

Stack of 60 -  90sec subs at iso 3200

Total Integration time: 90 minutes of integration time

Image cropped in 50%

More Solar Imaging... night imaging to come!

  Taken with a monochrome 5 megapixel camera on an 8" SCT Meade LX200GPS with a Baader solar filter and a 2X Barlow len.s Of these two ...